Joe Rogan Hunting

Updated 6/5/24

Have you been tempted to give hunting a shot since listening to JRE? You’re not alone. Most of us want to and think about it, but not too many actually make it happen.

Joe Rogan, a multifaceted personality known for his podcast "The Joe Rogan Experience", has a well-documented interest in hunting, which often features prominently in his show. This interest isn't just a passing hobby; it's a significant part of his life and has shaped many of the conversations on his podcast, especially since his move to Austin, Texas.

Rogan's approach to hunting is multifaceted, involving both the physical aspects of the activity and its deeper, more philosophical implications. His discussions often delve into the ethics of hunting, the connection to nature it fosters, and the skill and discipline required for bow hunting. He frequently hosts a range of expert hunters and outdoorsmen on his podcast, contributing to rich, diverse discussions about the sport. Prominent guests have included Cameron Hanes, a master bowhunter and elite athlete; Steven Rinella, an outdoorsman and the host of the show “MeatEater”; and Adam Greentree, an Australian bowhunter known for his extreme expertise in outdoor wildlife.

hunting elk in colorado

Rogan's podcast episodes on hunting cover a wide range of topics, from thrilling encounters with dangerous animals to the nuances of bowhunting gear and techniques. These episodes serve not only as entertainment but also as informative discussions that explore the complexities of hunting, conservation, and the role humans play in the natural ecosystem.

The conversations on his podcast reflect Rogan's genuine passion for hunting and his dedication to understanding and discussing it in a nuanced way. This is evident in the equipment he uses for bow hunting, which includes high-quality gear such as the Spot Hogg Fast Eddy bow sight and the Nock On Raise Offset Mount Rest, demonstrating his commitment to the sport.

Overall, Joe Rogan's involvement in hunting is a significant aspect of his public persona, contributing to the diversity and depth of content in his podcast. Through his conversations with experts and his personal experiences, Rogan provides his audience with a unique perspective on hunting, blending entertainment with insightful discussions on nature, ethics, and the human experience.

Joe Rogan and Steve Rinella: A Confluence of Passions

When it comes to exploring the depths of hunting and the outdoors, Joe Rogan often turns to one man for insight and inspiration: Steve Rinella. Rinella, an acclaimed outdoorsman, writer, and the host of the popular show "MeatEater," has been a significant influence on Rogan's perspective on hunting, conservation, and the natural world.

Rinella's "MeatEater" stands out as a beacon of hunting shows. Unlike traditional hunting programs that often focus solely on the act of hunting, "MeatEater" delves deeper. It's a show that weaves together the thrill of the hunt with a profound respect for nature and wildlife. Rinella's approach is thoughtful and educational; he illuminates the intricacies of hunting, the importance of sustainable practices, and the deep connection between humans and the environment.

Rogan, an avid hunter himself, finds a kindred spirit in Rinella. Their conversations, often featured on Rogan's podcast, are a blend of storytelling, philosophical musings, and practical advice. Rinella's vast knowledge of the outdoors, combined with his eloquent way of expressing the primal beauty of hunting, resonates with Rogan and, by extension, with his audience.

What truly sets Rinella apart, and what Rogan often emphasizes, is his ability to articulate the ethical and ecological aspects of hunting. "MeatEater" is more than a show about hunting; it's about understanding our place in the ecosystem, the responsibility that comes with harvesting wildlife, and the importance of conservation. It’s this holistic view of hunting, presented in a relatable and engaging manner, that has deeply influenced Rogan's approach to the sport.

Steve Rinella's impact on Joe Rogan's view of hunting is profound. Through their shared experiences and discussions, they explore not just the how of hunting, but the why, offering audiences a nuanced view of a practice as old as humanity itself. Rinella’s "MeatEater" is not just a show; it's an educational journey that celebrates the natural world in all its complexity and beauty.

two male deer in field

Joe Rogan and the Art of Bow Hunting

Joe Rogan's foray into the world of bow hunting is as much about the sport as it is about the influence of notable figures in the field. Among these, Cameron Hanes and John Dudley stand out as significant mentors. Hanes, an elite athlete and master bowhunter, has been instrumental in shaping Rogan's archery skills and philosophy. His approach to bow hunting as a discipline that demands both physical and mental fortitude has deeply resonated with Rogan. Dudley, a world-class archery and bowhunting expert, is another key influence. His technical expertise and skill in archery have provided Rogan with invaluable insights into the sport. Both Hanes and Dudley have appeared on Rogan's podcast, where their discussions often revolve around the intricacies of bow hunting, from the nuances of gear to the ethics of the hunt. These conversations reflect not just a shared passion for bow hunting but a profound respect for the discipline and the wildlife.

elk bow hunt in forest

Sharing the Bounty: Rogan's Approach to Hunting and Community

For Joe Rogan, hunting is more than a solitary pursuit; it's a way to connect with family and friends through the sharing of nature's bounty. Rogan, an advocate for sustainable hunting practices, often shares the meat from his hunts. He has spoken about the practicalities and benefits of hunting for food, emphasizing how an elk, for instance, can provide sustenance for up to a year. To store the meat from his hunts, Rogan uses commercial freezers, ensuring that the quality of the meat is preserved. This practice of sharing game meat is rooted in a deeper philosophy of hunting that Rogan often discusses: it's about being an active participant in the natural cycle, where the act of hunting is intertwined with respect for the animal and gratitude for the nourishment it provides. Rogan's approach highlights a responsible and community-oriented aspect of hunting, where the harvested game becomes a means of connection and sharing, fostering a sense of community and appreciation for the natural world.

FAQs - Joe Rogan Hunting

Does Joe Rogan go hunting?

Yes, Joe Rogan is an avid hunter. He frequently shares his hunting experiences on his podcast, social media, and other platforms. Rogan is passionate about hunting for both the sport and the quality of wild game meat it provides, which he considers to be healthier and more sustainable than commercially sourced meat.

What hunters have been on the JRE podcast?

Joe Rogan has hosted numerous renowned hunters on his podcast, "The Joe Rogan Experience." Some notable guests include:

  • Cameron Hanes: A bowhunter and endurance athlete.

  • Steven Rinella: Host of the TV show "MeatEater."

  • John Dudley: Professional archer and bowhunter.

  • Adam Greentree: Australian bowhunter and outdoor enthusiast.

Does Rogan hunt elk?

Yes, Joe Rogan often hunts elk. He has mentioned on multiple occasions that elk hunting is one of his favorite types of hunting due to the challenge it presents and the high quality of the meat. He often goes on elk hunting trips with friends like Cameron Hanes and Steven Rinella.

Does Joe Rogan hunt with a bow?

Yes, Joe Rogan primarily hunts with a bow. He is a dedicated bowhunter and has discussed the nuances and challenges of bowhunting extensively on his podcast. Rogan prefers bowhunting for the skill and patience it requires, as well as the close connection it fosters with nature.

What hunting gear does Joe Rogan use?

Joe Rogan uses a variety of high-quality hunting gear. Some of the equipment he has mentioned includes:

  • Bows and arrows from brands like Hoyt and John Dudley's Nock On.

  • Camouflage clothing and gear to blend into the environment.

  • High-quality optics for spotting game at a distance.

  • Sturdy boots designed for rugged outdoor terrain, like the custom elk leather boots from Origin.

What brand bow does Rogan shoot?

Joe Rogan primarily shoots a custom PSE EVO NTN 33 bow. This bow was built by John Dudley from Nock On Archery, a renowned archery expert and bow builder. The custom bow, known as "KONG," is designed to be extremely powerful and precise, making it well-suited for Rogan's hunting needs​


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